Meter Replacement Project

Centreville, MD –   As part of an ongoing water meter replacement project the Town of Centreville Public Works Department will replace all water meters in town limits with new radio-read smart meters beginning on Monday, February 12, 2024, and continuing over the next two (2) to three (3) weeks.  The new meters will send a radio signal to the Town’s computer system and provide the Town with the status of each meter and the amount of water used. This information will help to improve the response times of Town Personnel and the accuracy of water meter billing.

The meters will be replaced during regular business hours, Monday through Friday and the technicians will be easily identifiable with bright vests and contractor branding.  A meter replacement typically takes approximately 15 to 30 minutes, and the customer may notice a temporary disruption to water service during this time. Customers do not need to be present during the replacement of their meter. After the water meter replacement, customers are asked to flush their water system for 5 to 10 minutes to clear any sediment or discoloration in the water line.  

It may also be necessary to remove mulch, bushes, other vegetation, and other items that may be in the immediate area of the meter. Items that must be fully removed, such as bushes, will not be replaced or restored as the property owner must keep the meter clear of obstructions.